Three volumes of nobility have arrived in one fell swoop, to impart an aristocratic grace and humor to our strife-pocked world.
In the second action-suffused issue of NOBLE HEAD FUNNIES, Mr. Kitty Fluff and his funny friends must fend off an alien invasion with no weapon but--a comfortable couch! Plus, the comic sensations of the 1939 World's Fair, Trylon and Perisphere!
In the third thrill-packed number, Pinkerton Puss and his hard-boiled homeys extinguish "The Mystery of the Black Fire"! Plus, designer jeans for celestial bodies!
In the fourth fun-tastic installment, Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Perplexicators excavate "The Mystery of the Musical Hole"! Plus, the Miniature Wheelbarrow returns!
And watch for the Extra Special More Keelerian Than Usual Issue, in which our Himalayan Hero visits the Land of Black Squares! Featuring Confucius and John Brown, together for the first time!
Reserve your copies today before the Nobs on Nob Hill grab them all!
And don't worry! Every delightful issue is still available from that old crusty guy at the cigar store! He'll just have to dig for 'em.

NOBLE HEAD FUNNIES is available at:
And also from me!
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